miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Congratulations on your written paragraphs concerning your preference of  exploring the Ocean or Space...some of them were quite original and perhaps we can include them in the Blog one of these days.

Now, concerning class:  I still think you can do some drilling in UNISON about how the English language is structured, so please participate and let me hear you.  We need to cover the basic aspects before the books arrive.

****TAKE NOTE: ****
I will be giving you homework on MONDAYS to hand in on WEDNESDAYS and on Thursdays, to hand in on Mondays.  It will be written exercises on what was seen that day in class--mainly 5 positive sentences,
5 negative ones and 5 questions BEFORE USING THE BOOK.

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Secundaria Benjamin Franklin

Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
Niños felices, escuela feliz, mundo feliz