martes, 12 de abril de 2016


Click in the title below to see the video, then answer the questions and reflexion, print it and deliver it on Tuesday, April 19th. 

Da click en el titulo de "Paperman" para ver el video, después contesta las preguntas y la reflexión, imprímelo y entrégalo en próximo martes 19 de abril.



In a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions, explain each of your answers.
            1.      Before watching it, what did you think it was going to be about?
            2.      After watching it, did you think the man was happy at work? Why?
            3.      Did he have a happy or boring life? Why?
            4.      How did he find her?
            5.      Why did he want to find her?

In a following piece of paper, answer the following questions in paragraphs, explaining each of your answers. 

            ·          What are you ready to do for love?
            ·         Are you as romantic as this man?
            ·         Do you think they are going to get married?
            ·         Do you believe in love at first sight?
            ·         How can you say “I love you” without any words?

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Secundaria Benjamin Franklin

Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
Niños felices, escuela feliz, mundo feliz