domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Review of simple present.

The simple present expresses an action in the present taking place once, never or several times. It is also used for actions that take place one after another and for actions that are set by a timetable or schedule. The simple present also expresses facts in the present.


am with the personal pronoun II
is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or with the singular form of nouns)
are with the personal pronouns we, you or they (or with the plural form of nouns)


Exercise on Affirmative Sentences

Arrange the words to make sentences in simple present.
  1. I / to collect stamps - 
  2. we / to play card games - 
  3. he / to read comics - 
  4. Chris / to sing in a band - 
  5. we / to have a hamster - 
  6. Andy and John / to like cola - 
  7. she / to be nice - 
  8. they / to help their parents - 
  9. the children / to speak English - 
  10. I / to buy a newspaper every Saturday - 

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Secundaria Benjamin Franklin

Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
Niños felices, escuela feliz, mundo feliz