martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

Intermediate English Guide

Les recuerdo que tienen que imprimir la guía y entregarla contestada el viernes 24 de mayo. Esta será considerada como el examen de mayo, cualquier duda se aclarará durante estos días en horario de clases. Y estaremos repasando dicha guía durante clases.

Intermediate English Guide

I. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
a. Look! He (leave)  ____________ the house.
b. Quiet please! I (write)  ______________ a test.
c. She usually (walk) ______________ to school.
d. But look! Today she (go) _______________ by bike.
e. Every Sunday we (go) _____________ to see my grandparents.
f. He often (go) ________________  to the cinema.
g. We (play) _____________ Monopoly at the moment.
h. The child seldom (cry) ______________ .
i. I (not / do) ________________ anything at the moment.
j.  (watch / he) ________________ the news regularly?

II.  Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past progressive).
a. When I (do)  ______________ the washing-up, I _____________(break)  a plate.
b. While Tom (play) ___________ the piano, his mother (do) ____________ the washing-up.
c. He (drink) ____________ some juice and then he (eat) ____________ a few chips.
d. I (have) ____________ dinner when I suddenly (hear) ____________ a loud bang.
e. When my father (work) ___________ in the garden, an old friend (pass) ___________ by to see him.
f. She (go) __________ to school, (take) ___________ out her textbook and (begin) ___________ to learn.
g. When it (start) ___________ to rain, our dog (want) _____________ to come inside.
h. When Jane (do) ____________ a language course in Ireland, she (visit) ___________ Blarney Castle.
i. When I (be) ______________ on my way home, I (see) ___________- an accident.
j.  (not / understand) ______________ what the (talk) _____________ about.

IV. Write the comparative and superlative of the adjectives below.

V. Find the adjective in the first sentence and fill the gap with the adverb.
a. Joanne is happy. She smiles _______________________
b. The boy is loud. He shouts ________________________
c. Her English is fluent. She speaks English ._________________

d. Our mum was angry. She spoke to us __________________________
e. My neighbour is a careless driver. He drives ________________________
f. The painter is awful. He paints ______________________
g. Jim is a wonderful piano player. He plays the piano ________________________
h. This girl is very quiet. She often sneaks out of the house ____________________
i. She is a good dancer. She dances really _________________

VI. Fill in the blanks with First Conditional
a. If you  (help) ________me with my homework, I  (finish) ___________ it in time to go to the cinema.
b. If it  (not/rain),______________ the students  (practice) ________________ sport in the playground.
c. Jane  (come) _______________ home early if she  (not/be) _______________ very busy at work.
d. Our teacher  (be)_______________ pleased if we  (do) _____________ our homework.
e. If Robert  (play) ______________ football with us, we  (win) ________________ the match.
VII. Fill in the blanks with First Conditional and look at the pictures and choose the correct option.


a) If we  (recycle) ____________ more, we  (help) _____________ our planet.
b) If people  (share) ____________ their cars to go to work, there  (not/be) _____________ so many car fumes.
c) We  (save) ______________ thousands of trees if we  (waste) ____________ so much paper.
d) If the govenment (fine)______________  those who pollute the atmosphere, some factories (stop) ________ throwing waste into rivers.
e) If we only  (use) _________the water we need, we  (contribute) __________ to our planet's recovery.
VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
a. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland,_______________ ?
b. The car isn't in the garage, _______________ ?
c. You are John,___________________  ?
d. She went to the library yesterday, ____________?

e. He didn't recognize me, ____________?
f. Cars pollute the environment, ______________ ?
g. Peter has been to Scotland recently, ______________ ?
h. The trip is very expensive, ______________ ?
i. He won't tell her, ___________ ?
j.  Hugh had a red car, ____________?

IX. Match the sentences half

a. Is that the phone ? It might be John,
b. I might not have enough Money,
c. You won´t have time to call Matt.
d. I might not go to university
e. There might be life on other planets
f. Jeans will never
g. I may study Spanish next year.

1. (          ) because I forgot to go to the bank
2. (          ) we are already late !
3. (          ) but no one really knows
4. (          ) I don´t want to study any more
5. (          ) go out of fashion
6. (          ) my friend knows a good teacher
7. (          ) he promised to call me tonight


XI. Complete with for and since

a. I have been a teacher __________  30 years
b. Bob has worked in that import export company  __________ he was thirty
c. I have studied English ________  four years 
d. Jenny has eaten  five hamburgers  ____________  7pm
e. My parents have been married   ____________ twenty years 

XII. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.
a. He (sell) _________________ cars.
b. The blue car (sell) ____________________ .
c. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) _________________ than in winter.
d. She (call) __________________ her grandparents every Friday.
e. The letters (type) ____________________ .
f. He (take) _________________ his medicine every day.
g. Jane (take / not) ______________ to school by her father.
h. We (go) ___________________ to school by bus.
i. She (work / not) _________________ for a bank.
j. Milk (keep) ______________ in the refrigerator.

XIII. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Past.
a. They (visit) ___________________ their granny.
b. We (visit) ____________________ by our teacher.
c. My friend Paul (bear) ___________________ in Dallas.
d. She (go) ________________ to school in Boston.
e. Antony (grow up) ____________________ in the country.
f. The new shopping centre (build) _________________ last year.
g. The film (produce / not) __________________ in Hollywood.
h. Barbara (know) ___________________ James very well.
i. The jewels (hide / not) ___________________ in the cellar.
j.  We (spend / not) ____________________ all day on the beach.

XIV. Read the text and answer the questions.

The Canterville Ghost Chapter I

When the American, Mr Otis, bought Canterville Castle, everyone told him that this was very foolish, as the place was haunted. But Mr Otis answered, “I come from a modern country, where we have everything that money can buy. And if there were such a thing as a ghost in Europe, we would have it at home in one of our museums.”
A few weeks later, on a lovely July evening, Mr Otis, his wife and their children, Washington, Virginia and the twins, went down to their new home. When they entered the avenue of Canterville Castle, the sky suddenly became dark and a spooky stillness was in the air.
Mrs Umney, the housekeeper, led them into the library of the castle, where they sat down and began to look around. Suddenly, Mrs Otis saw a red stain on the floor just by the fireplace and said to Mrs Umney, “I am afraid something has been spilt there.”
“Yes, madam,” said the old housekeeper in a low voice, “blood has been spilt on that spot.”
“How terrible,” said Mrs Otis; “I don't want any blood-stains in my sitting-room. It must be removed at once.”
The old woman smiled and answered, “It is the blood of Lady Eleanore de Canterville, who was murdered on that spot by her husband, Sir Simon de Canterville, in 1575. Sir Simon disappeared seven years later. His body has never been found, but his ghost still haunts the Castle. The blood-stain is a tourist attraction now and it cannot be removed.”
“That is all nonsense,” said Washington, the eldest son of the Otis family, “stain remover will clean it up in no time,” and he took a bottle of stain remover out of his pocket and cleaned the spot. But as soon as the blood-stain had disappeared, a terrible flash of lightning lit up the room and a fearful peal of thunder made the whole building shake.

XV. Answer the following questions about the Reading

1. Where is Mr Otis from? 
a.   England  
b.   Scotland  
c.   USA
2. Does Mr Otis believe in ghosts?  
a.   yes  
b.   no

3. Which statement about the stain is true?  

a.   The housekeeper has spilt coffee there.

b.   It's the blood of Sir Simon. 

c.   Washington Otis removes the stain.

XVI. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.

a A ghost haunts the castle. ___________________________________________________.

b Sir Simon murdered Lady Eleanore. _________________________________________________.

XVII.   Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice.

a. They were led into the library by Mrs Umney. _________________________________________.
b. The spot was cleaned by Washington Otis. _____________________________________________.

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Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
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