domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Answer with the correct form of the verbs.
  • Schroeder (play) _______________ the piano for 30 minutes.
  • You (eat / not) _________________ up yet.
  • Bob (run) _____________ 10 km.
  • The children (be) ________________ on holiday for six days.
  • He (speak / not) ______________ on the phone for half an hour, just a couple of minutes.
  • How many months (take / you) ______________ piano lessons?
  • They (work / not) ____________ since 5 o’clock. They just started an hour ago
  • The dog (bark) ______________ since midnight.
  • We (miss) _____________ the bus twice this week.
  • How often (clean / you) ______________ the windows this year

Simple Past vs. Past Continuous

Answer with the correct form of the verbs
1.     When I (do) ____________ the washing-up, I (break) ____________ a plate.
2.    While Tom (play) ______________ the piano, his mother (do) ___________ the washing-up.
3.    He (drink) _____________ some juice and then he (eat) ____________ a few chips.
4.    I (have) _____________ dinner when I suddenly (hear) ______________ a loud bang.
5.    When my father (work) _____________ in the garden, an old friend (pass) ____________ by to see him.
6.    She (go) ______________ to school, (take) ___________ out her textbook and (begin) _____________ to learn.
7.    When it (start) ____________ to rain, our dog (want) ____________to come inside.
8.     When Jane (do) ________________ a language course in Ireland, she (visit) ______________ Blarney Castle.
9.     When I (be) ______________ on my way home, I (see) _____________ an accident.
10.Charlie Brown (not / understand) _____________ what Peppermint Patty (talk) _____________ about.

Secundaria Benjamin Franklin

Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
Niños felices, escuela feliz, mundo feliz