This is just a quick note to remind about the oral examinations you will start having next monday March 05, we are going to start speaking about something you feel comfortable with MOVIES, you will talk about a movie you have just seen, your speech will last for about a minute and should include Title, actors, director, year, and the plot (what the story is about) as well as your personal comments, it is important that you prepare it because it will be incorporated as part of your month evaluation. The writing is also considered in your grade. if you have a question please don't hesitate to ask.
miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
Hi guys, this is the week before the exam so we are going to start the review this week, please study and bring specific questions to class, have a nice week and happy valentine's day
miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012
Coordinación Académica
Debemos recordar que la secundaria es una etapa de carácter formativa, que un conocimiento transversal marcada por la SEP es la formación de valores y es nuestro deber fomentarlos. En esta ocasión será a través del respeto a los SÍMBOLOS PATRIOS. Se dice que “la grandeza de un pueblo se mide por el respeto que manifiesta a los símbolos que lo identifican”. Por tal motivo es OBLIGATORIO, que TODOS nuestros alumnos conozcan las letras de ambos Himnos y lo canten con una actitud de seriedad y respeto
Recuerden que durante el año escolar participamos en Concursos de Escoltas, interpretación del Himno Nacional y la Ceremonia de Clausura, de ahí la importancia de SOLICITAR SU APOYO señores padres de familia, para que se tomen en serio estas actividades.
Todos los alumnos deben estudiar estas letras ya que durante estos días se pasará a los grupos para preguntárselas. Gracias
Coordinación Académica
lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012
Hi guys, this is just to let you know about the exam dates for this 3rd. period:
1st. and 3rd. grades: February 22, 2012
2nd grade: February 20, 2012
Please, start studying now, don't leave it until the last minute, in case you have a question don't hesitate to ask, the week before the exam, we will have a review
1st. and 3rd. grades: February 22, 2012
2nd grade: February 20, 2012
Please, start studying now, don't leave it until the last minute, in case you have a question don't hesitate to ask, the week before the exam, we will have a review
Hi, guys!, I hope you have had a great long weekend, having enjoyed the superbowl and of course the winning of the best team GIANTS, we have to come back to reality and keep on working the same way cause the exam is nearer and we need to practice a lot. Enjoy your last day off, and see you tomorrow
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Secundaria Benjamin Franklin
Niños felices, escuela feliz, mundo feliz